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About Rasvaimu, Plastiikkakirurgia, Vatsan muotoilu

7 July 2015, 22:52

Rasvaimu surgical removal of fat attracted many representatives of the stronger and the weaker sex. Many women and men buy into commercials with celebrities who lost weight with the help of liposuction. Of course, surgical removal of fat is the only reliable method of getting rid of extra pounds. Surgical removal of fat can be performed on many areas of the body. For example, get rid of extra pounds in the belly area, outer and inner thighs, chest, neck, buttocks. Surgical fat removal in the area of the anterior abdominal wall is called abdominoplasty, this procedure is most often used men and women. Surgical removal of fat radiofrequency method has beneficial effects on metabolism, leaving uneven and bumpy on the skin, and scarring, and generally any visible prints from surgery. Thermal procedures are generally safe, as it does not result in such grave consequences as death, heart attack or thrombosis. The more that you no longer want to eliminate the defects using the additional operations when the fat is necessary again to introduce or remove from certain areas of the body to give shape harmony. People older the skin loses nutrients and eventually droops. So after the surgery, the effect may not be as expected. However, after surgical removal of fat it does not, the skin is tightened on the plot, which used thermal procedure. While fat is often not recovering at the surgery site for a long time. Radiofrequency liposuction can be recommended to women who are unhappy with their shape abdomen, thighs, or buttocks after heavy or repeated childbirth. In addition, after the removal of fat thermal method does not have to sit on diets and to fix the result of difficult physical exercise.

Plastiikkakirurgia focuses on surgical procedures related to the elimination of defects of the body or the whole body. Plastiikkakirurgia attracts a large number of people, because beauty is required in wide demand, professional level of plastic surgeons has grown significantly, and prices were much lower.

Plastic surgeons deal with the correction of the nose, ears, lips, chin, tightening the skin on the face, blepharoplasty, increase and decrease a woman's breast and buttocks, rejuvenate the tissues of the hands, changing the shape of the labia.

Plastic surgery is divided into two types: cosmetic and reconstructive.

The first purpose is the improvement of appearance. Thus, due to these operations people can not only prolong the beauty and youthfulness of their skin, but also to avoid negative emotions and stress.

The second one is for removing skin blemishes and restore the natural functions of cells and tissues through the organization of plastic surgery. Such surgical operations are performed in people who have received injuries as a result of various injuries, diseases, or chronic diseases. After successful surgery, the person feels most comfortable, and his life changed radically.

Misinterprets plastic surgeons exclusively as doctors, after all, only a bare knowledge of professional terms, coupled with the ability filigree work scalpel this profession is not limited. For a plastic surgeon requires a high aesthetic component, the artist's abilities and fine sense of the beautiful — no wonder "plastics" are called "elite surgery", because in addition to addressing medical problems that plastic surgeons are the creators of the beauty of human faces and bodies, increasing the patients their own self-esteem, allowing the proud footsteps to follow in life.

Vatsan muotoilu — the removal of excess fat in the lower parts of the abdomen, tightening of the skin tissue at the same site by surgical intervention. The operation is primarily for people suffering from impaired metabolism. At this time the person deformed shape of the abdominal wall, there are the so-called "streamers". The tummy tuck surgery can also make women who have appeared bodily defects after delivery: hanging body fat.

The modern tummy tuck involves the following processes:

  • eliminating sagging or "apron" of the abdominal wall;
  • liquidation laxity of the abdominal wall;
  • improvement forms the anterior parts of the abdominal wall;
  • the removal of coarse postoperative scarring;
  • getting rid of postpartum stretch marks.

Tummy tuck is subdivided into several varieties:

  • with the movement of the navel;
  • without moving the belly button.

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